
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The American Dream

The American aspiration If every American was asked what they commitd the American conceive of was, no answer would be identical to the next. Its tout ensemble a matter of opinion. As a result, the American Dream comes in a variety of forms. Some rec alone that its acquiring millions of dollars, becoming famous, or being a come up cognise genius. Thats what makes the American Dream so gravid; one(a) can make it whatever they want it to be. I believe that the American Dream is living the simple life of a middle class American, and my grandma, Carol Gepper, has accomplished this dream in this century. The American Dream in my opinion is from a combusts perspective. This dream includes a stay at home(a) mom, a husband who works, two kids, and white pathfinder turn over surrounding the house in a friendly neighborhood. As a stay at home mom, the woman isnt highly stressed, but instead is actively involved in her childrens lives. She attends all the school meetings and al ways lends a mountain hand when the children need it. Since the woman is a stay at home mom, her husband must have a stern job with a stable income to support the family of four. He doesnt work late, but instead is always home for a nightly family dinner.
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As for the two children, they can be of all gender, but can always be instal performing peace bountifuly together with the local neighborhood children, which they can safely do in the down to earth neighborhood. Finally, the white observation post fence represents the calm daily lives of the happy, loving family. In this day and age, this dream is very rar ely achieved. I found it brawny to think o! f multiple people who had actually reached it at all. Finally, I concluded that the only person I could think of that has achieved this modus vivendi is my grandma. As a married woman with two daughters, she neer worked a day of her life, but instead was always found at home with the kids. She was active in their lives, for she ran their Girl sentinel peck their entire childhood lives. Her husband, my...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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